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Premier patch pour SupCom 2

CBL par CBL,  email  @CBL_Factor
Supreme Commander 2 étant sorti, GPG va pouvoir travailler sur la suite logique : les patchs. Ce premier patch corrige un paquet de trucs et équilibre quelques unités. Pendant ce temps, une autre partie du studio essaye de bosser sur Kings and Castles.

C'est dur surtout avec Chris "Nuts" Taylor qui fait son vidéoblog dans les parages.

Bug Fixes and Improvements
Improved path-finding and performance for larger games
Navigation fixes for Cybran Protobrain and UEF experimental Transport
Range rings for Illuminate Space Temple
Rare Desync fix
Improved Eyefinity support
Victory message for Players in MP game
Game type indicator on in-game scoreboard
Dead player indication on in-game scoreboard
Passworded games for your friends will now show up in the friends tab (see related known issues below)
Setting Exclusions in skirmish lobby will no longer reset player choices (color, team etc)
New Multiplayer Leaderboards
Also added message to players when they leave the chat on Summary screen and on Skirmish
Added [TEAM] tag to the messages that are sent to team only
Highlight on top scores in summary screen
MP UI polish - Multiple fixes and polish throughout the MP menus

Balance and Tuning
Proto Brain vision radius increased to 32. Was 10
Soul Ripper, Darkenoid, Mega-Fortress and Star King Extreme crash damage set to 5000
AC-1000 crash damage increased to 1500
Fixed Cybran Gunship strategic icon
Space Temple now shows its max range
Proto Brain and Star King Extreme navigation radius fixed
UEF Gunship RP cost increased to 5. Was 3
AC-1000 RP cost decreased to 5. Was 6
Wilfindja movement speed increased to 3.6. Was 3
Gantry cost reduced to 400m/1300e. Was 450. Build Time reduced to 120. Was 150
Decreased UEF Transport AA by 50%
Fixed Illuminate Land Radar boost description
Reduced Research Station mass cost to 375
Megalith Energy cost reduced to 2300. Was 2650
Cybranasaurus Energy cost reduced to 4900. Was 5250
Urchinow Energy cost reduced to 2100. Was 2550
Fatboy Energy cost reduced to 2350. Was 2690

Known issues
Joining passworded games via the "Friends" list still not functioning to spec. Joining via standard game list fully functional
Default games list is currently limited to games hosted in your current Global Steam region. We will be adding a "Show All Regions" button in the next patch. There is currently no limitation on inviting Friends from any region via Steam, however

Coming Soon
Ranked 1v1 matches. Currently targeting the end of March. We'll have more info soon

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