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Chivalry tape le million

CBL par CBL,  email  @CBL_Factor
9 mois après sa sortie, Chivalry : Medieval Warfare s'est vendu à plus d'1,2 million d'exemplaires. C'est donc un pari réussi pour cet ancien mod d'Half-Life 2 devenu un stand-alone. C'est la preuve que les joueurs aiment parfois troquer la délicatesse des communications radio et du fusil d'assaut pour les cris rauques et la hache de guerre.

Une nouvelle mise à jour du jeu va apporter tout plein de modifications et ajouter la customisation de son personnage. Si vous êtes en manque de décapitations, une partie de Factor aime croiser le fer.

* Server browser fixes!(Tabs works better, favorites work better, browser now uses the Steamworks library optimally and is less likely to make your router cry, etc)
* Tavern map length reduced to 10 minutes.
* Stamina drain from successfully parrying attacks slightly reduced.
* Vanguard primary weapon knockback values toned down.
* Two-hander flinch duration down from 1.1 to 1.0.
* Special daze duration down from 2 to 1.8.
* Crossbow projectile speeds are lower, and the difference between light and heavy crossbow is less drastic.
* Corrected Bardiche sprint attack being .15 faster than other sprint attacks.
* Flail overhead windup from .55 to .5.
* Heavy Flail overhead windup from .6 to .55.
* Spear slash windup from .425 to .475.
* Spear stab windup from .575 to .6.
* Brandistock slash windup from .45 to .5.
* Brandistock stab windup from .55 to .6.
* Fixed the attack grunt sound sometimes desyncing and playing after a late feint server-side.
* Fixed several map exploits.
* Fixed flinch disabling dodge if it occurs in an attack windup.
* Fixed counterattacks maintaining a parry box and blocking attacks during your counter.
* Fixed movement slow persisting after canceling a bow draw.
* Fixed crossbow forced reload after being hit.
* Fixed rebinding primary attack breaking the scoreboard keybind.
* Fixed some broken assets on various maps (missing collision/textures/etc.)
* Fixed missing Norse Sword icon and Falchion model in weapon select.
* Fixed the furthest target in the archer tutorial being unhittable.
* Fixed peasants spawning with weapons
* Fixed peasant death animations
* Fixed peasant hats turning into helmets when shot off with arrows
* Fixed objective labels (Mason messages were being display for Agatha objectives)
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