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Arx Fatalis se patche

CBL par CBL,  email  @CBL_Factor
Plus de huit ans après la sortie de leur bébé, Arkane a sorti un nouveau patch pour Arx Fatalis. Le principal changement est qu'il améliore la stabilité du jeu sous 7/Vista.

Il se télécharge ici ou automatiquement pour la version Steam. Sur cette même page, vous trouverez le code source du jeu qui est désormais GPL. Tout cela ne nous dit pas ce qu'ils font chez Bethesda mais vu qu'ils sont lyonnais je dirais du saucisson.

Arx Fatalis English v1.21
- Improved overall game stability under Microsoft© Windows Vista© & Windows 7©.
- Fixed blinking effect that may happen when starting a new game.
- Fixed HUD scaling when display resolution is higher than 1024x960.
- Fixed EAX option: value is now saved when leaving the option menu.
- Fixed an issue with the game locking-up when opening player inventory.
- Fixed length of cinemascope bars displayed during cinematics.
- Fixed some performance issues with a few Nvidia GPU (see Notes).

- If you experience in game framerate drops or stuttering, please give a try to the "Enable Rendering Fix" option in the Video settings.
- This patch will remain the very last Arx Fatalis update released by Arkane Studios. However, the whole source code of the game is now available for download, which means that numerous fan made updates/mods may be found around the Internet. Arkane Studios won't provide any kind of answer or support regarding community developed content.
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