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Atari ose un nouveau Matrix
Big boss
Admin 8937 msgs
Alors que la trilogie Matrix a été bien digérée et commence à tomber dans l'oubli, Atari tente un coup de poker sur l'univers des frères Wachowski, les 6 millions de copies vendues du médiocre Enter The Matrix y étant sûrement pour quelque chose.

Intitulé The Matrix : Path Of Neo, ce nouveau jeu mettra le joueur dans la peau de Neo pour revivre les scènes clé (comprendre les combats) des films de la trilogie. Il sera accompagné de tous ses petits copains et du méchant Agent Smith.

The Matrix : Path Of Neo sortira en fin d'année sur PC, PS2 et Xbox.

Lire la suite sur le site : Atari ose un nouveau Matrix.
Bite qui tanne haut
Membre 6369 msgs
"l'univers des frères Wachowski"

On vous l'auradiérépété ! :

Mother of the matrix Victorious

"Monday, October 4th 2004 ended a six-year dispute involving Sophia Stewart, the Wachowski Brothers, Joel Silver and Warner Brothers. Stewart's allegations, involving copyright infringement and racketeering, were received and acknowledged by the Central District of California, Judge Margaret Morrow residing.

Stewart, a New Yorker who has resided in Salt Lake City for the past five years, will recover damages from the films, The Matrix I, II and III, as well as The Terminator and its sequels. She will soon receive one of the biggest payoffs in the history of Hollywood, as the gross receipts of both films and their sequels total over 2.5 billion dollars.

Stewart filed her case in 1999, after viewing the Matrix, which she felt had been based on her manuscript, "The Third Eye," copyrighted in 1981. In the mid-eighties Stewart had submitted her manuscript to an ad placed by the Wachowski Brothers, requesting new sci-fi works.

According to court documentation, an FBI investigation discovered that more than thirty minutes had been edited from the original film, in attempt to avoid penalties for copyright infringement. The investigation also stated that "credible witnesses employed at Warner Brothers came forward, claiming that the executives and lawyers had full knowledge that the work in question did not belong to the Wachowski Brothers." These witnesses claimed to have seen Stewart's original work and that it had been "often used during preparation of the motion pictures."
The defendants tried, on several occasions, to have Stewart's case dismissed, without success.

Stewart has confronted skepticism on all sides, much of which comes from Matrix fans, who are strangely loyal to the Wachowski Brothers. One on-line forum, entitled Matrix Explained has an entire section devoted to Stewart. Some who have researched her history and writings are open to her story. Others are suspicious and mocking. "It doesn't bother me," said Stewart in a phone interview last week, "I always knew what was true.
Some fans, are unaware of the case or they question its legitimacy, due to the fact that it has received little to no media coverage. Though the case was not made public until October of 2003, Stewart has her own explanation, as quoted at

"The reason you have not seen any of this in the media is because Warner Brothers parent company is AOL-Time Warner... this GIANT owns 95 percent of the media... let me give you a clue as to what they own in the media business... New York Times papers/magazines, LA Times papers/magazines, People Magazine, CNN news, Extra, Celebrity Justice, Entertainment Tonight, HBO, New Line Cinema, Dreamworks, Newsweek, Village Roadshow... many, many more!... They are not going to report on themselves. They have been surpressing my case for years..."

Fans who have taken Stewart's allegations seriously, have found eerie mythological parallels, which seem significant in a case that revolves around the highly metaphorical and symbolic Matrix series. Sophia, the greek goddess of wisdom has been referenced many times in speculation about Stewart. In one book about the Goddess Sophia, it reads, "The black goddess is the mistress of web creation spun in her divine matrix."

Although there have been outside implications as to racial injustice (Stewart is African American), she does not feel that this is the case. "This is all about the Benjamins," said Stewart. "It's not about money with me. It's about justice."

Stewart's future plans involve a record label, entitled Popsilk Records, and a motion picture production company, All Eyez On Me, in reference to God. "I wrote The Third Eye to wake people up, to remind them why God put them here. There's more to life than money," said Stewart. "My whole message to the world is about God and good and about choice, about spirituality prevailing over 'technocracy'."

If Stewart represents spirituality, then she truly has prevailed over the "technocracy" represented in both the Terminator and the Matrix, and now, ironically, by their supposed creators.

Stewart is currently having discussions with CBS about a possible exclusive story and has several media engagements in the near future to nationally publicize her victory."

[Masqué le 14-02-2005 à 23:30 par Sonny]

Edit : Je masque parce que c'est long, en anglais et donc un peu chiant pour la plupart des gens. Une courte explication en français de ta part et un lien vers ta source aurait été mieux :)
Message masqué
Pedobear à poil roux
Membre 4167 msgs
Je ne voudrais pas te faire de la peine, mais je crois bien que c'est un fake.
Bite qui tanne haut
Membre 6369 msgs
Akshell a écrit :
Je ne voudrais pas te faire de la peine, mais je crois bien que c'est un fake.

Information assez sûre...
Et au fait corrections parce que je ne retrouvais pas le début, donc texte complet maintenant...
Membre Factor
Membre 19 msgs
Source ?
Bite qui tanne haut
Membre 6369 msgs
Verification faite avec google: histoire vraie mais elle n'a pas gagné devant les tribunaux donc, l'oeuvre peut encore être considérée comme celle des frères Wachowski.

Entschuldigung, gomen, sorry for this long and somewhat useless post ;)
Petit paquet d'œstrogènes agressif
Membre 137 msgs
Mine de rien, avec un gameplay soigné ça pourrait quand même être un jeu sympa... Même si c'est un beat them all à la Dead to Rights, ça pourrait plaire aux fanboys comme aux réfractaires à la fin de la trilogie.
Atari ose un nouveau Matrix

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