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Un trailer pour Magicka

Zaza le Nounours par Zaza le Nounours,  email  @ZazaLeNounours
Pour vous inciter à récupérer la démo de Magicka, ou même à acheter la version complète, les développeurs ont sorti un petit trailer mettant en avant les principales features du jeu.

Le jeu squatte la première place des ventes Steam et s'est vendu à 30000 exemplaires en 24 heures. Les devs continuent de débuguer le jeu. Ils ont déjà sorti un premier patch et ils comptent en sortir un par jour tant qu'il y aura des bugs.


Characters will now clear any crossfading previously in progress when initializing.
Character network performance has been improved.
Servers will now properly clear pending clients when starting a game.
Some grapical improvement has been made to the tutorial level.
Burning grease is now working properly over network.
Grease network performance has been improved.
PhysicsObjects now update their orientations correctly over network.
DamageableObjects status effects now work properly over network.
Character status effects now work properly over network.
Fixed a dialog problem which prevented cutscenes from ending properly.
Wizard castle collision mesh has been adjusted.
Havindr Arena's collision mesh has been adjusted.
Glade's collision mesh has been adjusted.
Hyphen (-) has been added and other fixes have been made to the fonts.
Ruins script has been modified.
Ruins textures has been improved.
A few missing NPC name tags have been added.
A glitch when characters performed multiple move orders in sequence has been fixed.
Picking up items over network has been fixed.
Random teleport over network has been fixed.
Music will reset properly when restarting from checkpoints now.
NPC wizards now use the correct coloring for network clients.
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