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Magicka, son patch et son DLC "Mea Culpa"

ClémentXVII par ClémentXVII,  email  @ClementXVII
Pour fêter la sortie du nouveau patch de Magicka (changelog ci-dessous), Paradox et Arrowhead offrent un nouveau DLC gratuit intitulé "Mea Culpa" qui contient les éléments suivants :

  • 1 Staff - "Bugged Staff" - summons a swarm of bugs.
  • 1 Sword - "A broken sword"
  • 1 Robe - "Patched Robe"
  • 1 Magick - "Crash to Desktop - Magick - zaps any foe (or friend)

Ce DLC a été ajouté automatiquement à tous les possesseurs du jeu sous forme de mise à jour.

Changelog for Patch #11 ( February 24th

Fixed issues/bugs

* Fixed initial collisionskin transformation of animated level parts.
* Improved capsule-static mesh collision. (Reduces risk of characters falling through collision)
* Fixed a crash when spawning too many greasefields or tornados in a network game.
* Fixed a network bug where multiple damage types in a single damage message was read incorrectly.
* Fixed a network bug where if a character had more than one status effect other clients would read it incorrectly.
* Fixed kills with beam-spells for characters without gibs.
* Fixed vortex synchronization over network.
* Made some optimizations to the network messages.
* Made some optimizations to the physics library.
* Corrected some magicks cast animations.
* Fixed Kahn’s bloodtype (black now instead of regular).
* Fixed a bug where some effects would turn invisible when spawned in certain angles.
* Fixed a thread issue on game startup which resulted in a crash for some users.
* Fixed an issue where the audio engine would cause a crash when quitting the game.
* Fixed an issue where if a gamepad tried to navigate the menu while changing chapters it would cause a crash.
* Fixed a bug in Chapter 2 Boss where he would be stuck in single state (ranged attack).

New features/balancing

* Added camera shaking effects.
* Added Xinput gamepad rumble.
* Fixed the duration and range of spray type spells.
* Improved Gun's tracer bullets.
* Reworked keyboard and mouse controller configuration.

Known Issues

* Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding.
* Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion.
* Characters can in rare cases fall through the level collision mesh, this is due to lag or poor framerate. Many general network improvements and general optimization will reduce this risk.
* The game may appear to be stuttering even though framerate is good.
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