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Un Rédacteur Factornews vous demande :


La classe selon Stardock

Joule par Joule,  email  @j0ule  
Stardock a sorti hier son nouveau titre, Fallen Enchantress, un mix de stratégie et de RPG dans un univers heroic fantasy. Jusque là, rien de fou, si ce n'est que ce jeu est ce qu'aurait dû être Elemental : War Of Magic, un mauvais titre sorti début 2010.

Stardock en est bien conscient et a donc décidé de réaliser un superbe geste à ses clients qui avaient acheté Elemental : War Of Magic : le tout nouveau Fallen Enchantress est gratuit pour eux. L'offre a été reçue par mail (reproduit ci-après) pour notre lecteur rEkOM, que l'on remercie au passage pour l'info.

Dommage que tous les éditeurs ne suivent pas cette voie : on aurait un Medal of Honor et un Call of Duty gratos chaque année.

Dear Stardock customer,

My name is Brad Wardell. I'm the President & CEO of Stardock. Two years ago, you bought a game from us called Elemental: War of Magic. We had great hopes and ambitions for that game but, in the end, it just wasn't a very good game.

Elemental was an expensive game. You probably paid $50 or more for it. And you trusted us to deliver to you a good game. $50 is a lot of money and companies have a moral obligation to deliver what they say they're going to deliver and frankly, Stardock failed to deliver the game we said we were going to deliver.

While we did update Elemental: War of Magic (you can still download v1.4). Its design just wasn't adequate to make it into the kind of game it should be. So we decided to start over. From scratch. We made a new game called Fallen Enchantress.

So even though it's been two years, we haven't forgotten about you. This week, we released Fallen Enchantress. It is a vastly better game and, we believe, lives up to the expectations set for the original Elemental. This game is yours. Free. It's already been added to your account.

You can download and play it by going to

We hope you enjoy Fallen Enchantress. Please feel free to visit the Elemental forum at if you wish to talk to me and the rest of the team. We're there and very interested in your feedback.

Thank you for being our customers and your patience.


Brad Wardell
President & CEO
Stardock -
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