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Geralt entre dans la Maison Blanche

ClémentXVII par ClémentXVII,  email  @ClementXVII
Lorsqu'un chef d'état rend visite à un pays, ce dernier est souvent accueilli avec les égards qui lui sont dûs. En plus de se régaler gratos aux banquets organisés en son honneur, et de devoir rester éveillé pendant les longs discours, on leur offre aussi des tas de cadeaux, en général des productions locales.

Alors, quand Obama visite la Pologne, leur Premier Ministre Donald Tusk choisit de lui offrir un cadeau qui représente le mieux son pays : non pas un panier de saucisson sec, accompagné d'alcool de pommes de terres, mais un paquet cadeau spécial The Witcher comprenant deux livres dédicacés des aventures du Sorceleur, ainsi qu'une version Collector de The Witcher 2 : Assassins of Kings, dédicacée par toute l'équipe !

L'article ne précise pas s'il a aussi reçu le numéro de Playboy du mois de Mai, mais cela fait plaisir de voir des politiciens vanter les mérites d'un tel jeu. Les réactions de CD Projekt sont à lire ci-dessous.

“We are very proud to know that Prime Minister Tusk felt the Witcher 2 was the most suitable gift for the US President. It is a further indication that our game is a quality product. This recognition boosts the strong enthusiasm we are already feeling due to our game’s high scores from the media and its very healthy sales to date. It also sends a clear message to the entire new media industry in Poland that our government sees great potential in game development,” stated Adam Kiciński, CEO of Optimus S.A.

“This is an extraordinary acknowledgement of our hard work here at CD Projekt RED. The Witcher 2 is a game we created for players around the world by drawing from various sources including our national heritage. We are truly pleased to promote our culture in this manner. And we aren’t resting on our laurels. We are continuing to improve the game post-release, and will reveal more during our conference on June 2nd,” said Adam Badowski, Game Director.

“The success of Polish games makes us proud. It is one of the reasons Poland is regarded as an innovative, progressive country. The success of The Witcher 2, and its status as a top-selling title, should be made known around the world. That is why the Prime Minister chose it to give to President Obama. We would like to congratulate the entire Polish game industry including the creators of The Witcher 2 and of all the other Polish games appreciated worldwide. We’re looking for the Polish game market to continue growing, and to exceed a billion PLN soon,” stated Paweł Graś, Polish government spokesman.
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