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En pire : Total War On Bugs

CBL par CBL,  email  @CBL_Factor
Dire qu'Empire : Total War est sorti à moitié fini est un doux euphémisme. Du coup, The Creative Assembly enchaîne les petits patchs pour corriger les problèmes petit à petit. Comme d'habitude, il suffit de lancer Steam pour qu'ils se téléchargent.

30 Mars
Fixed applied to sound caching which could caused crashes in land and sea battles on some systems

26 Mars
Issue with save games disappearing from the save game list if fixed
Updated of the Miles dll to fix some random crashes in sound

25 Mars
Multiplayer - can now find friends across regions
Load time detection on trade routes to fix pathfinding crash in campaign
Some General Sound balancing improvements
Fixed UI Chat hang when spectator leaves unranked match with 3+ players
Varies Campaign Crash Fixes
Some Save/Load fixes
Boarding fix where cannon crew board order was not being deleted properly causing crash
Fix to kill characters instantly to stop crashes in campaign on agent/general deaths
Save games limited to 1000
Fix to animation glitch causing repetitive sounds when battle is launched

10 Mars
Fixed Alt-Tab issue which prevents players from switching away from a fullscreen window
Fixed text rendering for certain resolutions
Fixed localized font overrun issues
Fixed a variety of crash and memory leak issues
Fixed a variety of multiplayer client lock
Fixed trade nodes for those nations with resource in home region which caused unprofitable trade theatre routes eg: Sweden and Marathas
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