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Tim Schafer dénonce

Skizomeuh par Skizomeuh,  email  @Skizomeuh
A chaque fois que vous réclamez un patch, un développeur vend un rein. C'est en substance ce qu'on apprend par le biais d'une interview de Tim Schafer chez Hookshot Inc., où le trublion indique que Microsoft et Sony font payer 40.000$ pour le déploiement d'un patch sur le XBLA ou le PSN.

"[...] the indie community is now moving elsewhere; we’re figuring out how to fund and distribute games ourselves, and we’re getting more control over them. Those systems as great as they are, they’re still closed. You have to jump through a lot of hoops, even for important stuff like patching and supporting your game. Those are things we really want to do, but we can’t do it on these systems. I mean, it costs $40,000 to put up a patch – we can’t afford that! Open systems like Steam, that allow us to set our own prices, that’s where it’s at, and doing it completely alone like Minecraft. That’s where people are going."
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