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Turbine of the Ring

Sonny par Sonny,  email
Blue's News nous apprend que le MMORPG basé sur l'univers de Tolkien, Middle Earth Online, sera développé par Turbine, le studio à l'origine d'Asheron's Call et Asheron's Call 2. Petite description du gameplay :
"Middle-Earth Online sets itself during the fellowship's conflict with Sauron, and will entail Men, Dwarves, Elves and Hobbits working together in small and large groups, where they will explore the world, build homes and craft Mithril Swords, or just get drunk and sing. A large number of resources will enable you to create more powerful weapons and armors, and even food or decorative items. High-end crafters can create the most interesting items in the game."
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