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Bestiaire de Factor : le Khorne Berserker

Arnaud par Arnaud,  email  @drsynack
Nos nouveaux amis de THQ (tous des vendus chez Factor) nous ont envoyé une petite présentation d'une des nouvelles unités qui sera introduite, douloureusement, lors de la sortie de Warhammer 40 000 : Dawn of War : Winter Assault.

Le Berserker de Khorne est un bourrin de première garde. C'est une unité d'infanterie lourde qui n'est dotée que d'une hache, de sa bite et de son couteau. Tout cela a un prix, bien sûr, et c'est celui de la patience. Il faudra obtenir la dernière upgrade disponible, mais bon hein, z'allez pas vous plaindre.

Ci-joint, quelques images de la bête en action, histoire de se rendre compte que le jeu n'a rien perdu de sa superbe niveau graphique. Warhammer 40 000 : Dawn of War : Winter Assault est prévu pour le 23 septembre.

"One can easily see why Chaos Marines are so fascinated by melee combat. Murder and rampage have become so ingrained into their psyche, that the only pleasure they find in their endless existence is the torture and suffering of others. Dealing death only brings a Chaos Marine satisfaction when they can see the horrified looks on their victims' faces while they dismember them limb from limb. But ranged weapons are a grim necessity in the world of the future, so only the most worthy of Chaos Marines are allowed to dedicate themselves to melee combat. These are the Chaos Berserkers.

The greatest of Chaos Berserkers often dedicate themselves to the Blood God Khorne, and fight with a maniacal zeal to murder in his name. Khorne Berserkers have superhuman strength, even by Space Marine standards, and show an unbelievable resiliency to shrug off crippling wounds. Khorne Berserkers have no fear, and their morale can never break. The damage they deal is so great that few armies can withstand the fury of their assaults.

Only the greatest of Chaos Lords have the force of will and prestige to command these mighty warriors. For this reason, Khorne Berserkers will only become available from the Chaos Temple after your Desecrated Stronghold is upgraded to a Desecrated Fortress. Khorne Berserkers, as you will soon discover, cut through Tier 1 units with ease, and can only be kept in check by sheer numbers or by anti-infantry vehicles. Use the power of their fury wisely, and your enemies shall soon lie dismembered at your feet."
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