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Du nouveau sur TR Legend dès demain

toof par toof,  email
Ca n'intéresse peut-être que moi mais le site officiel de Tomb Raider Legend devrait proposer dès demain tout un tas de nouveaux médias dont deux nouvelles vidéos de gameplay. Les screenshots sont apparus un bref moment sur quelques sites mais ont vite disparu. Stay tuned, comme dirait l'autre.

This is not just an addition of a few new features, but an unveiling of a brand new completely redesigned website! The launching of the new website is in celebration of the announcement that Tomb Raider: Legend is going to be released on the next generation XBOX360 console!

To give you all a heads up about what you can expect from the new website, there will be…

New Information About:
- Game features
- Storyline
- Character information
- Locations
- Lara's Gear
- Lara's Outfits
- The History of Tomb Raider

New Downloads!
- 2 new gameplay avis
- 2 wallpapers
- 2 aim icons

New Art & Screenshots!
- 8 PS2 screenshots
- 8 XBOX screenshots
- 5 XBOX 360 screenshots
- 2 pieces of concept art
- 34 fan art images

A new VIP section with new screenshots!
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