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X-Box au Japon : Jour J

Sonny par Sonny,  email
C'est aujourd'hui que Microsoft lance sa console nouvelle génération au Japon. Chère, grosse, américaine, on doute pour l'instant beaucoup du succès de la X-Box dans un pays où Nintendo et Sony sont rois. La console est accompagnée de 12 jeux pour son lancement, et 10 autres devraient sortir d'ici la fin du mois de mars.
En attendant les premiers chiffres, vous pouvez toujours lire le communiqué de presse de Microsoft, faisant bien sûr l'éloge de la X-Box, console la "most sophisticated in the world, rien que ça. A voir juste après le lien "Lire la suite".

TOKYO — Feb. 22, 2002 — Three months after a triumphant North American launch, Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates is taking the XboxÔ video game system into new territory, launching the future-generation console in Japan today.

Backed by Japanese game developers and an intense launch lineup, the most powerful video game system available — the one with the best graphics, sound and game experiences — can now be tapped into by game enthusiasts in Japan.

“Japanese gamers are among the most sophisticated in the world, and Xbox is the future-generation game system that matches their sophistication, fires their imagination and tests their skills,” Gates said, as he greeted the first gamers in Japan to buy Xbox.

“Today’s Xbox launch demonstrates our long-term commitment to Japanese video game players,” said Robbie Bach, chief Xbox officer (CXO) at Microsoft. “Xbox is just getting started in Japan, and already the launch lineup of games is very strong. It’s amazing to see what many of the legendary Japanese game designers have been able to accomplish on Xbox.”

Xbox is on sale at thousands of Japanese retail outlets, and 12 titles are available. The launch lineup includes great titles from the top names in video games, such as Sega Corp., Konami Corp., Capcom Co. Ltd., Tecmo Ltd. and Microsoft Corp. A total of 22 titles are scheduled to be available in Japan by the end of March. Many of these Japanese games have global appeal and may be localized in various markets around the world.

“This is just the beginning for Xbox in Japan,” said Hirohisa Ohura, managing director and head of the Xbox Division at Microsoft Japan. “We are continuing to work with our incredible partners to develop unprecedented games that can only be created on Xbox.”
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