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Un Rédacteur Factornews vous demande :


Unreal 2 est beau pour de vrai

Sonny par Sonny,  email
Devant le scepticisme des gens quant à la véracité du dernier screenshot d'Unreal II, Matt, développeur chez Legend Entertainment (le studio en charge du jeu) s'est exprimé sans les commentaires de Shacknews. En gros, le screen a bien été pris avec le moteur du jeu, *dans* le jeu, et sans aucun apport extérieur (effet photoshop, etc.). A noter la config utilisée : P3/1Ghz et GeForce2.

Plus de détail dans le post de Matt (en anglais), juste après le lien.

And here we go with the "it's fake" posts again. This shots was done 100% in the engine. The models are real. The geometry is real. The lighting is real. The particle effects (that includes the rocket streak and explosion with the lenseflare) are real. If you want to find something fake it's that we posed the shot (it was for a CGW double page, after all) - the overall composition was sketched out before and models were placed in the editor. But then we went into the game (on a P3/1Ghz with GeForce2), let the bots fight and pressed the screenshots key. THAT WAS IT :)

I know that some people won't believe it, and well, there's nothing we can do about it but tell them to wait for the game. And to be honest I've seen too many fake screenshots in my lifetime to not understand that people are suspicious. But this shot is real :) And no, we usually don't pose stuff, too much work, pretty much all other shots are simply taken by playing the game and hammering the screenshot key.
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