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Un Rédacteur Factornews vous demande :


Partez à l'aventure avec TF2

ClémentXVII par ClémentXVII,  email  @ClementXVII
Malgré notre test de The Penal Zone, vous hésitez encore à vous offrir la saison 3 des aventures de Sam & Max ? Vous passez trop de temps à jouer à Team Fortress 2 pour vous consacrer aux aventures de ces deux héros débiles ? Valve et TTG, bien décidés à alléger votre porte-monnaie, organisent une promo spéciale à cette occasion.

Toute personne achetant la saison 3 de Sam & Max pendant la première semaine, que ce soit sur Steam ou sur le TellTale Store, recevra automatiquement trois objets exclusifs pour Team Fortress 2 : un bonnet de Max, le flingue de Max ou le révolver de Sam.

Si vous achetez sur le TellTale store, on vous envoie le DVD moyennant frais de port à la fin de la saison, et vous n'aurez pas les objets immédiatement.

Merci RodiX.

Max's Severed Head

* It's not often you're given the gift of a beloved character's decapitated head by the very studio responsible for that character. Still, we're not complaining. It's soft, it wicks away moisture in the heat of battle, it highlights our eyes. It's got us thinking about all the other game characters we could be wearing around as clothes.

Max's Pistol

* Who wouldn't want to squeeze off a couple rounds with the murder weapon of choice of a sociopathic cartoon rabbit? Probably quite a lot of people, when you get right down to it. Luckily, those people are all well-adjusted contributors to society with no police records, spotless credit ratings and few unresolvable moral failings. They also probably have no interest in playing TF2, so that means more murder-rabbit gun shooting for the rest of us.

Sam's Revolver

* This might look like an ordinary revolver, until you realize that it helps a talking dog solve crimes. How many crimes has YOUR dog solved lately? And let's face it, his revolver kind of sucks too. Man, we want to talk about this gun more, but we can't get over how much your dog sucks.
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