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Un Rédacteur Factornews vous demande :


CPLes pros

Arnaud par Arnaud, d'après Unreality  email  @drsynack
Un gars de chez Epic Entertainment vient de poster sur les forums officiels qu'une version "Pro" de Unreal Tournament 2003 était en cours de design. Cette version changera apparement pas mal de trucs, notamment des réglages qui seraient "bloqués" pour éviter de déséquilibrer les tounois du type Cyberathlete Profesionnal League (CPL). Il n'est pas exclu que des options volontairement absentes de la version "grand public" soit ajoutées pour plaire à ces hardcore gamer (le post prend le FOV comme exemple).
Comme il faut s'enregistrer sur leur forum pour voir le post en entier et qu'on est pas des chiens, vous trouverez un copier/coller du texte après le lien.

Our goal in the CPL and any other pro offline tournament we support is to create a common set of rules that levels the playing field. To that end, the rules posted by the CPL reflect that players have only a limited set of things they can change. Exactly what will be changeable hasn't to my knowledge been fully decided on yet.

Right now, we (as in Epic) are talking about creating a “Pro” version of the game just with tournaments like this in mind. It will be pro in terms of what game settings can be altered and what can't. It will encompass what can be tweaked and adjusted as well as what game settings should be used. This will not be something designed for online play at this time.

Once these settings are decided on, a new GUI will be constructed that allows access to JUST them. UT2003's GUI lacks some of the options that hard core players would want, and this was by design (such as FOV). This version will lack a console and will insure that all game setting are locked down.

Hopefully, this is the system that will be used at the CPL.

The big question, and why I'm wading in to the flames here is this:

“What options do you think are critical, not already in the current UT2003 GUI”.

Please leave graphic options alone for the time being. Also, if you feel like flaming don't, I'm feeling pretty ban happy today.
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