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60 millions de PS2

Joule par Joule,  email  @j0ule  
Après un Playstation Experience parisien plutôt réussi (32.000 visiteurs), Sony a annoncé que plus de 60 millions de PS2 avaient été livrées en magasins. La répartition est la suivante : 14,17 millions pour le Japon (Asie inclue), 26,42 millions aux Etats Unis et enfin 19,44 millions pour l'Europe. La console de Sony écrase toujours le marché, puisque le parc de chacune de ses concurrentes culmine entre 12 et 15 millions (selon les sources).

Tokyo, September 9, 2003 – Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) announced today that cumulative worldwide shipment of its PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system reached 60 million units on September 6, 2003. Since its launch in Japan on March 4, 2000, sales of PlayStation 2 have grown rapidly around the world and it continues to gain worldwide popularity while reaffirming its position as the standard entertainment platform in homes. With year-end/New Year holiday season approaching, SCEI will further increase hardware production to meet active demands.

Shipment of 60 million units within 3 years and 6 months since the launch is 1.6 times more in volume compared to the same period after launch of the original PlayStation, and a year and a month faster in penetration speed. In order to prepare for the peak selling season, from this August, SCEI has raised its monthly production/shipment to more than 3 million units, and will continue to control appropriate allocation according to actual market demands. As for software, over 2,000 game titles are available for PlayStation 2 worldwide, with cumulative shipments marking more than 400 million units. New and attractive lineup of software titles is expected to be released continuously towards the peak selling season.

With PlayStation and PlayStation 2, Sony Computer Entertainment will create and develop a new world of computer entertainment for the broadband era through the fusion of game, music, movies, and broadcasting.
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